Sunday, October 26, 2008

How far will you take your creative spark?

The creative spark within us may ignite from any possible point there is, any time, thru any means.
It may just ignite when we are in the verge of sleep... from a random word said by a total stranger ... from the experience of others... out of thin air....or even when spending an ample amount of time in the bathroom, browsing thru those glossy PEOPLE magazine pages (personal experience n i bet others will agree on that with me as well!) :)
All that we see and touch, all those creative wonders.......started off with a single thought. If anyone can develop such thoughts, then we all are powerful beyond measure to make manifest such grandness in our lives.

We are a creative being in our own rights. It just depends on how far that single thought will take you, or rather, how far ahead and beyond you will take that thought with you.

Regardless of where it all started .... I hope that we, creative beings, will go so far to meet a universal purpose... that is to create a better living for mankind ...
It's already a selfish world out there... let's not make it any more harder for the world to change for the better.... shall we?

This will lead to my next topic of interest .... DESIGN LIKE YOU GIVE A DAMN!!!
Inspired thru watching the TED Talks!! :) Lovve TED!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Inspirations from the World's greatest Thinkers n Doers

Last year, I've come to know about TED which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design.
It started out as an annual conference that brings the world's greatest thinkers and doers and a community of curious souls together, giving the talks of their lives, spreading ideas. Now those talks are available online to the public, FOR FREE!!

Not that I'm most fascinated with the free stuffs.... I simply admire how TED upholds their mission dearly... the fact that they are serious about playing a huge role in making this world a better place to live in thru the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.
And the fact that this knowledge is being shared around the world for free.... speaks a lot about TED.

It started out from this fascinating video, Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of Insight, forwarded by a very good friend of mine, Jimmy. Jimm if you are reading this... thank you again.... coz you have been a hugeee part in how I see this world in a more creative sense!! Thank you for being You!! :)

She's a brain researcher who studied her own stroke as it happened. A really amazing story.. on how she can pull a study from her own horrific experience.
She mentioned that "although the stroke damaged the left side of her brain, her recovery unleashed a torrent of creative energy from her right". Worth the watch!!

From watching this video.. comes the next.... and the next....
How I wish the college days lecture talks were as enjoyable as the ones I've watched weekly on TED.